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He's not necessarily "forgetting" it and I wish HTTPS-everywhere advocates would stop ascribing forgetfulness or bad motives. Some of us have a different opinion based on our own genuinely-held beliefs.

Requiring HTTPS everywhere is weighing certain factors above others. For many people, encryption and consequent lack of snooping/MITMing is an absolute which outweighs all other possible factors. That's fine. You're entitled to hold that belief. But please don't accuse others, who don't hold that as a trumps-everything absolute, of "forgetting" or (like the guy upthread who said "You being against HTTPS everything, is the same as being in support of MITM attacks somewhere") arguing in bad faith.

But he did forget the integrity benefits in his post. I understand that some people have different views, but if someone overlooks a significant point, it is ridiculous to get offended when someone else points it out.

>Some of us have a different opinion based on our own genuinely-held beliefs

Such as?

Browsing a website with an adblocker in a public place may literally give me a virus.

That's what HTTPS everywhere protects against.

Browsing any infected website, HTTPS or otherwise, may give you a virus.

Right, but if it's HTTPS, only the website can give you a virus. If it's HTTP, the website can give you a virus, plus the owner of any network device your requests traveled through on the way to and from the website. That's often a lot of owners.

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