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I disagree. IMHO, modifying your app code for the sake of test code is an anti pattern. It should be viewed as an unfortunate yet necessary, rather than celebrated, action. It taints your design and makes your application harder to understand.

I disagree. If you write tests only after you implement your application and find that they are difficult to test, it is likely not that you are using an anti-pattern in the "unfortunate yet necessary" action of making your code more testable - it is, instead, far more likely, that by failing to write tests as you wrote your implementation, you implemented a poor design that does not decouple abstractions as well as they could be.

It is not a chore to unit test code, it is an extremely useful development tool that forces you to check your assumptions and verify your design as you go to give you a better product.

The attitude of this comment is along the lines of the sorts of attitudes towards testing it takes a lot of effort to un-learn junior engineers of.

Juniors make plenty of mistakes, I would rather they make them then explain why they should change their code rather than them relying on "testable code = better code". I would admit that a junior working alone, or without code review/a mentor, is probably better off relying on that mantra though. Or, perhaps even anyone designing an application significantly larger than they have in the past (without any outside input).

However, everything has a cost, even abstractions. The more powerful the abstraction, the higher the cost. I find that for most of our projects, the sorts of abstractions unit testing forces on us is much more powerful - and thus higher cost - than necessary for the task at hand. If you are not taking advantage of that power, then all you really have left is the high cost.

Nobody even declared code, which is easy to test (verify), as an anti-pattern. Quote, please.

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