Would I get a 100,000x bigger head, and die of a snapped neck? Would I get a 100,000x increase in daily calorie requirements and die within a day? Would I get a 100,000x increase in heat output in my head and have my brain cook itself? Would I get 100,000x more neurons but untrained, so I need to live 100,000x more lifetimes for them to learn something? Would I have 100,000x more intelligence but bottlenecked by one pair of eyes, ears, vocal chords, arms and legs so it's no more applicable?
A 100,000x more intelligent me only represents ~1/50,000th of the world's combined brainpower (assuming 5 billion reasonably capable adults) - why would I think myself to have the best chance of saving the world compared to "everyone working together", if a 100,000x boost to one person represents a fraction of a fraction of a percent of a change to world brainpower?
Unless you're just handwaving hoping for a techno-magic wormhole style fix, we already know what kind of things we'd need to stop an asteroid destroying the world - nukes on rockets, mass evacuation of ground zero areas, maybe high powered lasers, underground survival bunkers - generally things which take large amounts of teamwork and resources way beyond a single person's abilities to build.
It's not clear cut that the button would be automatically a good thing to press, especially when there's no talk of trade-off's or compromises. If you had to get to work in 1 minute instead of 1 hour, would you press a button that made your car 100,000x faster? No, because that would be completely uncontrollable and you'd die as soon as your car hit the first corner and you didn't steer fast enough and hit a building at 1Mmph.
Would I get a 100,000x bigger head, and die of a snapped neck? Would I get a 100,000x increase in daily calorie requirements and die within a day? Would I get a 100,000x increase in heat output in my head and have my brain cook itself? Would I get 100,000x more neurons but untrained, so I need to live 100,000x more lifetimes for them to learn something? Would I have 100,000x more intelligence but bottlenecked by one pair of eyes, ears, vocal chords, arms and legs so it's no more applicable?
A 100,000x more intelligent me only represents ~1/50,000th of the world's combined brainpower (assuming 5 billion reasonably capable adults) - why would I think myself to have the best chance of saving the world compared to "everyone working together", if a 100,000x boost to one person represents a fraction of a fraction of a percent of a change to world brainpower?
Unless you're just handwaving hoping for a techno-magic wormhole style fix, we already know what kind of things we'd need to stop an asteroid destroying the world - nukes on rockets, mass evacuation of ground zero areas, maybe high powered lasers, underground survival bunkers - generally things which take large amounts of teamwork and resources way beyond a single person's abilities to build.
It's not clear cut that the button would be automatically a good thing to press, especially when there's no talk of trade-off's or compromises. If you had to get to work in 1 minute instead of 1 hour, would you press a button that made your car 100,000x faster? No, because that would be completely uncontrollable and you'd die as soon as your car hit the first corner and you didn't steer fast enough and hit a building at 1Mmph.