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So do you agree that Rust should remain a "high transparency" language? Do you have an opinion on a "high productivity"/"application level safety supporting" superset of the language? Rust seems to be creeping out of the system space and into the application space. Will/should Rust go out of its way to support application level programming? (By, among other things, facilitating enforcement of application level invariants?)

edit: Or is that just looking too far ahead?

To me, this is a library concern. Rust the language should remain high transparency, but that doesn't mean that programming in it should force you to always deal with every single thing if you don't want to. Look at the recent addition of ?, for example: you can get very succinct code if you don't want to deal with the particulars, but you still have access if you want to. I think good Rust libraries will end up like that.

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