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For those new to Doppio, it's a JVM in TypeScript, useful for ex for running Java code in the browser. :)

What the heck? That's a thing you can do now? I just really wish someone time-travelled this back to like 2001 when people were still confused about Java vs JavaScript and MS had their own JVM implementation.

In seriousness, is the performance of Doppio bearable? Also, what are the use cases for a thing like that?

Performance is 24-40x over the HotSpot (Oracle Java) interpreter on compute-intensive benchmarks. The primary use case is for non-compute intensive code.

http://www.codemoo.com/ uses it to teach students basic Java in a game format.

Sorry do you mean it's 24 times slower? 24x performance makes it sound like it's 24x faster, which doesn't seem like it could possibly be true.

Yes, slower. 24x faster would be a miracle!

To better explain from my previous comment, the use case is that you can take a Java program and run it in the browser with no modifications. So, if you have a legacy program or library and rewriting it would be a large undertaking, you can run it in DoppioJVM.

Gotcha. I guess I have been happily avoiding Java apps for the past 10 years. The only one I routinely use is the Cisco VPN client, which wouldn't really work in Doppio.

Still this is insanely cool.

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