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> As the roadmap says "Production use measures our design success; it's the ultimate reality check." I agree with that.

I don't. It's a measure of the overall success. Design is but a small part of that. Community, outreach, corporate back up… play a huge part in the success of a language.

Go is a wonderful example: doesn't even provide parametric polymorphism (generics), and they got away with that! Feels like Google backup matters more than the core language here. Either that, or someone please explain why omitting generics today is not a big mistake. Feels like dynamic scope all over again.

Think about who is picking up which language and how many programmers with what background there are. Go offers solutions for certain problems that many of programmers have. I.e. performance and ease of deployment are the biggest ones for people coming from scripting languages, and there are a lot of them. Having easy to pick up syntax doesn't hurt easier. But generics are not as valuable for them at the beginning. And Go's syntax has like a dozen of critical problems either way, might as well add generics in 2.0 together with all the fixes.

Google backup is really more towards Dart when compared to Go. Dart has much more Google contributors vs Non-Google. Dart Dev summit seems to be totally sponsored by Google and it even had free entry whereas Gophercon is independent of Google.

Though Dart has generics but not much usage in industry.

> Go is a wonderful example: doesn't even provide parametric polymorphism (generics), and they got away with that!

Only because one can opt-out of the type system and use a catch all "interface {}" .Actually even the std lib does that ... a lot.

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