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I don't see a split here. I know lots of cool ideas have been posted to Hacker News lately, that showcase something possible in future versions of Rust. But I seriously hope people keep these libraries as showcases, not production-quality tools. I'd say this nightly/stable split is a bit out of proportion.

In 2017 we'll get Tokio and lots of Tokio-ready libraries. Some of them already work and compile with stable Rust. And maybe in the end of the year we can take a proper look what we can do with Rocket, or Diesel...

Tokio runs entirely on stable, though 1.0 won't happen until some language changes land.

Diesel does work on stable today, but its nightly features will be on stable in five weeks with 1.15.

> Tokio runs entirely on stable, though 1.0 won't happen until some language changes land.

Are you talking about impl Trait or some other language changes?

impl Trait is what I'm thinking of, yeah.

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