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I think Rust is mostly about safety in the same way that skydiving is mostly about safety. Having safety features that you know you can rely on allows you to take risks that you normally wouldn't in order to accomplish some really awesome things.

(I guess in this analogy C is a parachute that you have to open manually, while Rust is a parachute that always opens at exactly the right altitude, but isn't any heavier than a normal parachute.)

Rust safety is ultimately a productivity boost.

For example, if I have a big string, I may create a hashmap where both keys and values are references to some portions to that original string.

Then, I may pass this hashmap to another function that will transform this hashmap into structs that contain reused portions of those string references.

Rust compiler will make sure that the original string is not destroyed or moved in any way in memory while this is happening.

While it is certainly possible to do this in C and C++, the development cost there is way higher. In C++, one would be sensible to stick to a slower version that copies and allocates data, unless he/she is really sure that the need for performance justifies the code complication.

Meanwhile, juggling the references this way in Rust is common and almost sloppy: the hashmap contains references to strings because it was probably created from iterator that iterated over references. The developer might not even need to notice it unless the string reference in result might be kept around longer than original. The compiler will tell about the type mismatch, and the developer will then create a new string from the reference, and then he/she will move on.

There is a similar story when such code needs to be refactored. The word "sloppy" still works here, but in a good way: offloading "being very, very careful" stuff to compiler is deliciously fun.

I wrote about this concept a bit in http://manishearth.github.io/blog/2015/05/03/where-rust-real..., with an example of a situation where in Rust I was able to make things work but in C++ I'd be totally terrified and use a shared_ptr or something.

I like to say that Rust lets you toe the line perfectly, and dance near it as much as you want. C++ does not, since you're afraid you may accidentally cross it.

Is that a joke? Just doing a cursory reading of your blog post was terrifying to me and I could hardly understand why things are so complicated. It almost make it seem like programming is some 'puzzle' (I feel same way about boost library).

What did you find complicated or terrifying there?

The fact that the code was complicated was sort of the point; the generic deriving code in the Rust compiler is in general a very tricky and confusing area and pretty complicated to deal with. In C++ I would have been very careful around code like this and not introduced new pointers. In Rust, I could do this without being afraid of memory issues.

You're not supposed to understand the actual code in the blog post; there's heaps of context and explanations of compiler internals I didn't want to do. I tried to make it clear what task I wanted to do, and how the compiler helped me carry it out; the code is just there to give a better idea of what was going on. If you read closely I do mention that a lot of things should be ignored, there.

The post also walks through the explanations of why the lifetimes work out that way, but that's more for the readers' edification -- I didn't need to actually figure anything out whilst working on it; the explanations are something I thought about later.

I'd argue that in order to properly evaluate your statements regarding C++ (and Rust, for that matter) it actually is important to understand the code and what you're trying to do. Given that there generally is more than one way to solve a problem it isn't unreasonable to think you found a solution that doesn't map (well) to C++ and from there generalize (perhaps incorrectly) that therefore it's impossible in C++ (with similar performance).

Well, in this case there aren't multiple solutions -- my solution was literally the problem statement. I wanted to make a particular array accessible later in the pipeline in a specific API. That was the problem statement (the reason behind this problem was that the plugin API needed to be able to expose this array). This itself was pretty simple. The array arose from a particularly entangled bit of code. Possible ways to persist it are with a regular or smart pointer/slice to the vector, in both Rust and C++.

This isn't an instance of the XY problem.

Few recent posts that I can see are about the compiler internals, design of a tracing GC and a crypto problem. These things might just be complicated anyway :)

C++ users would say that shared_ptr is the idiomatic way to handle this scenario, and it's no more unsafe than Rust is in general use.

Right, but there's a runtime cost associated with it, unlike the borrowed pointer in the rust version. Using shared_ptr is not "toeing the line", it's stepping back from the line in fear you will cross it.

A lot of C libraries and applications are more like a parachute that was folded by someone who saw a two minute video about parachute folding a couple years ago.

Have you done much skydiving? I used to go three days a week, for a couple years, between 4-10 jumps a day at a place that had world class experts. My experience is that only beginning skydivers are constantly preaching safety. They go around (vocally) judging everything they see, and I think they do it because it alleviates their own fear. Instructors would teach safety, but really only to their own students.

I think the safety aspect of Rust appeals to a lot of beginning programmers. They can feel safer looking down their nose at us dangerous C or C++ programmers.

> Rust is a parachute that always opens at exactly the right altitude

This isn't a good metaphor. Frequently it's safer to pull higher, and on some occasions, you're safer opening lower than you had planned... I think a canopy that always opened at the prescribed height would cause many unnecessary deaths. That doesn't say anything about Rust, one way or the other.

> I think the safety aspect of Rust appeals to a lot of beginning programmers.

Maybe, but it also appeals a lot to many of us experienced programmers who know how hard things can bite us. It's not so much that we can't get things right. It's that it's really expensive to revisit old assumptions when circumstances change, and it's phenomenal to be able to document more of these in a machine-checked way.

Please don't get me wrong - I would take safe over non-safe if everything else were equal. It's just that Rust made many other choices that are worse for me than what's in C++. Also, I think it would be very painful trying to explain some of Rust's features to my coworkers (who are generally very smart, but generally not interested in clever programming languages).

> It's that it's really expensive to revisit old assumptions when circumstances change, [...]

That's very dependent on the type of work you do. Over the last 23 years, my job has been to write many small programs to solve new problems. It's not expensive for me because I've aggressively avoided making monolithic baselines. I have medium sized libraries that I drag from project to project, but I can fix or rewrite parts of those as needed without breaking the old projects.

> That's very dependent on the type of work you do.

True, if your code never gets big or old, you can keep all of it in mind and write correct code without too much worry. Though in my experience, it really doesn't need to be very old or very big before tooling starts paying big dividends.

> I have medium sized libraries that I drag from project to project

I'd wonder in particular about those libraries. Certainly you know more about your context. But I expect that there are both contexts where it wouldn't be helpful, and also contexts where it would be substantially helpful but authors don't know what they're missing. I don't have a way of distinguishing the two here.

I think it's a misconception to classify type-safety and memory-safety techniques as 'clever', they should be seen as the bread-and-butter of day-to-day coding. To put it another way, Rust's memory safety is no more clever than C++'s smart pointers, the only difference is what people mistakenly believe about the two.

> I think it's a misconception to classify type-safety and memory-safety techniques as 'clever'

I didn't call Rusts type-safety of memory-safety clever. The clever stuff is lifetime specifications, a multitude of string types, traits as indications to the compiler for move vs copy, Box Ref Cell RefCell RefMut UnsafeCell, arbitrary restrictions on generics, needing to use unsafe code to create basic data structures, and many other things.

If I tried to advocate Rust in my office, many of my coworkers would simply say, "I didn't have to do that in Fortran, and Fortran runs just as fast. Why are you wasting my time?!"

Almost everything you mentioned as 'clever' is trying to achieve either type-safety or memory-safety. To your coworkers I would reply: would you like the compiler to handle error-prone memory deallocations? Or do you want to keep doing it manually and wait till runtime to find potential mistakes?

I don't believe those clever things are necessary for safety or performance. I think many of them are incidental and caused by a lack of taste or just a disregard for the value of simplicity. Rust deserves credit for it's good ideas, but these aren't those, and I believe there will be other high performance (non-GC) languages that are more accessible to non Computer Scientists [1].

> To your coworkers I would reply: would you like the compiler to handle error-prone memory deallocations? Or do you want to keep doing it manually and wait till runtime to find potential mistakes?

They don't really care about memory deallocations - the program will finish soon anyways, and the operating system will cleanup the mess. Sorry, they've already excused you from the office and have gotten back to getting their work done.

Btw, modern C++ programmers don't worry about memory deallocations either. You should find a better bogeyman.

[1] http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64q/compare.php?lan... (yes, most people disregard benchmarks, but you need someway to discuss performance)

> I don't believe those clever things are necessary for safety or performance. I think many of them are incidental and caused by a lack of taste or just a disregard for the value of simplicity.

Well, I just re-read your list of 'clever' features, and can't really see how any of them is incidental, or in fact how some of them are worse than the exact same features in Swift, which you mentioned.

> ... I believe there will be other high performance (non-GC) languages that are more accessible to non Computer Scientists....

Not sure what to make of this comparison, given that Rust beat Swift in the majority of the benchmark tasks. Also, you have to look at the quality of the compilers themselves. Rust is universally acknowledged to be a high-quality compiler, while Swift (especially together with Xcode) are often bemoaned as buggy and crashy.

> They don't really care about memory deallocations ... the operating system will cleanup the mess.

Well, I have to say they are an extremely lucky bunch. Most systems programmers don't have the luxuxy of writing script-sized programs which use the OS as their garbage collector.

> Btw, modern C++ programmers don't worry about memory deallocations either. You should find a better bogeyman.

I was specifically replying to your Fortran example, but for the sake of argument, to C++ programmers I'd ask, 'Would you like to do high-performance concurrency with statically guaranteed no data races?'

> a multitude of string types

There are two string types in Rust, `String` (growable and heap-allocated) and `&str` (a reference to string data). Anything else is just a shim for FFI.

> There are two string types in Rust, `String` [...] Anything else is just a shim for FFI.

I guess I don't have to worry about the non-Scotsman strings then... You've heard the criticisms about Rust's strings before, and I'm unlikely to tell you anything you don't know.

I think it's especially hasty to criticize Rust's string types in the context of C++, given the standardization of string_view in C++ as an analogue of Rust's &str :P

To me, Rust's &str seems a lot more like const char* (with a size tacked on for bounds checking). But you're the expert, so if I did agree they were the same, then C++ adopting it in the STL is practically proof it's a mistake in Rust.

You never addressed my other "too clever" items in Rust. Does that mean, other than strings, we agree?

> Does that mean, other than strings, we agree?

Not necessarily. :P Features exist, and I'm not about to dictate where others draw the cleverness line.

No, I haven't done any skydiving. After writing my comment, I suspected my analogy might not hold up if I knew more about skydiving. I guess just imagine an abstract form of skydiving where you just need to have fun in the sky and then open your chute at the right altitude, and you'd like to wait as long as you can before opening it.

I still think the point is valid, though, even if the analogy isn't.

Fair enough. I'm sorry about calling you out on the metaphor. Instead I'll call you out on the point itself :-)

> Having safety features that you know you can rely on allows you to take risks that you normally wouldn't in order to accomplish some really awesome things.

Unless you rush to publish a public facing version of your code, I can't see why you'd be afraid to take risks in any language. What's so scary about a buffer overflow on your home workstation running data from a source that's never even seen your program? It will just segfault, which is no worse than a Rust panic. If I could exploit your new code, it means I've already gotten so far into your workstation or server that I could just run my own code. Where does the fear come from?

I think it's more like: since you know the compiler won't let you write a buffer overflow, use-after-free, data race, etc., you no longer have to waste time worrying about whether your code might contain such problems, which frees up more mental bandwidth for other concerns. But unlike other languages, you still have confidence that your code will compile to equally performant machine code (e.g. No GC overhead).

The scary thing isn't causing a segfault on your local machine. The scary thing is writing code that could segfault but doesn't do in testing until after you've deployed it publicly. If your compiler rejects code that can segfault, this is no longer a concern. (Or replace segfault with a buffer overflow that leaks your private keys or something equally bad.)

I guess the analogy would be that you can have more fun cavorting across the sky if you knew with 100% confidence that your parachute automatically would deploy itself at the appropriate time (and not a moment sooner).

> I think it's more like: since you know the compiler won't let you write a buffer overflow, use-after-free, data race, etc., you no longer have to waste time worrying about whether your code might contain such problems, which frees up more mental bandwidth for other concerns.

I've spent a lot of time figuring out how to do completely mundane things in Rust. At this point, buffer overflows and use-after-frees are not my biggest concerns in C++.

> The scary thing isn't causing a segfault on your local machine. The scary thing is writing code that could segfault but doesn't do in testing until after you've deployed it publicly. If your compiler rejects code that can segfault, this is no longer a concern.

If your testing didn't catch the problem (which I can fully understand), a panic at runtime is not much different than a segfault.

> (Or replace segfault with a buffer overflow that leaks your private keys or something equally bad.)

I firmly believe the OpenSLL team would've used unsafe blocks in Rust to disable the performance overhead of bounds checking. That whole exploit was caused by sloppy optimizations, and Rust is not immune from that.

> I've spent a lot of time figuring out how to do completely mundane things in Rust. At this point, buffer overflows and use-after-frees are not my biggest concerns in C++.

I could visit a country with a completely different set of laws regarding driving and a different road marking system. After a few days of driving, I might also feel like I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to navigate the rules of the road rather than actually getting to my destination when compared to driving in my native lang. I would also be unable to accurately ascertain whether one system was better than the other, because of inadequate experience with the new system. It would be a mistake to assume that I could become proficient enough in such a complex system in such a short period of time as to ascertain whether one was better than the other.

To put it another way, I don't feel like avoiding bicyclists is my biggest problem when driving, but having a dedicated bike lane at all times would probably be a good idea anyways. Sure, maybe you've never hit a cyclist, and never will. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen enough that we shouldn't do something about it, because it does.

> If your testing didn't catch the problem (which I can fully understand), a panic at runtime is not much different than a segfault.

No, a segfault at runtime is something that is possibly exploitable. A Panic is not.

> I firmly believe the OpenSLL team would've used unsafe blocks in Rust to disable the performance overhead of bounds checking.

Even if they did, that would still reduce the portion of the code that needs to be audited to those blocks. Effort could be made to reduce the size and scope of those blocks. There is something to be said for having the ability to categorize and enforce different safety levels in your codebase, when the alternative is no categorization or enforcement.

> I could visit a country with a completely different set of laws regarding driving [...]

Arguments by metaphor aren't my thing. It's very likely I would become more proficient at Rust if I programmed in it more. It's also very likely the poster above would worry less about memory errors if s/he programmed in C or C++ more. Yes, Rust is safer in some ways, but I still can't understand where all the fear of other languages comes from.

> having a dedicated bike lane at all times would probably be a good idea anyways.

I used to live in a city with a lot of dedicated bike lanes. I commuted to work on a particularly long stretch that was very popular for cycling. The majority of the cyclists refused to ride in the lane. It turns out that cars naturally blow the dust and small pebbles out of the main road way, but bikes don't do that in the bike lane. Cars also smooth out the pavement in their tire tracks. The result was a road that's 5 foot narrower for cars (speed limit 45 mph) with bicyclists in it (not moving 45 mph), a generally unused bike lane, lots of uncomfortable passing, and a lot of indignation from cyclists who claimed an equal right of way despite having a separate lane designated for them.

> Sure, maybe you've never hit a cyclist, and never will. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen enough that we shouldn't do something about it, because it does.

The city I live in now has many bike paths, completely separate from major roads. It's also a different climate, so there are less pebbles and they have street sweepers clean the road after snow season to remove the sand. There really doesn't seem to be much interaction between the cyclists and the cars. So should I choose a programming language with bike lanes on major roads or separate paths though the parkways? :-)

> No, a segfault at runtime is something that is possibly exploitable. A Panic is not.

Anything is possible, but it's very unlikely. I will write a program and intentionally put a buffer overflow in it. Can you send me some data that will exploit it?

Here's a metaphor that also isn't one: I'm not afraid of terrorists despite some high profile events in the last 20 years. I certainly wouldn't optimize my life around avoiding terrorist attacks because the empirical evidence shows me the probability is very low.

> It's very likely that I would become more proficient at Rust if I programmed in it more. It's also very likely that the poster above would worry less about memory errors if s/he programmed in C or C++ more.

> The city I live in now has many bike paths, completely separate from major roads.

Which wasn't the point of that at all. It was to point out that you assessment of how much time is wasted working around problems in each case is irrelevant given your vastly different experience levels. There are plenty of people here with quite a bit of C and C++ experience that have weighed in about this, not just the person above who you assess as not having much experience in C or C++.

A bike path is a dedicated bike lane,just not necessarily parallel to the road. You're taking the metaphor too literally to be useful. A metaphor is as useful as you allow it to be. They can be extremely useful in pointing out somewhat parallel situations where people may find their beliefs are different. When that is so, it allows the people involved to examine what is different about the situations that leads to a different opinion, if anything. Sometimes we fall prey to our cognitive biases, and a metaphor can be a shortcut out of that bias if it exists, and you allow it be that shortcut. Driving it into irrelevancy through focusing on minutiae is a useful rhetorical trick, but doesn't actually advance the conversation, and at the extreme end if done purposefully is not acting in good faith.

> Anything is possible, but it's very unlikely. I will write a program and intentionally put a buffer overflow in it. Can you send me some data that will exploit it?

Depending on the segfault? I could. It would take me a lot of work, because it's been nearly 15 years since I paid much attention to that, but I have done it before.

> Here's a metaphor that also isn't one: I'm not afraid of terrorists despite some high profile events in the last 20 years. I certainly wouldn't optimize my life around avoiding terrorist attacks because the empirical evidence shows me the probability is very low.

No, you don't optimize your life around them, but you might also support checking of identities on international flights to prevent access to your nation from known terrorists.

Here's the thing. It's not about you. At any point in time, some percentage of C and C++ programmers are neophytes that may not be as proficient as you at avoiding the pitfalls possible in those languages. Given the average amount of time it takes someone to be proficient in C or C++, divided by the average career length of a programmer of those languages, and you'll have a rough estimate of what percentage of programmers of those languages we might conceivably have to deal with problems from them being inadequate for the job they are assigned. I think that reducing this has such a large impact, that this is of vast benefit to society at large (given the botnets we are currently seeing), and would total billions of dollars.

"not acting in good faith"

An accurate diagnosis, I think. You'll never get anywhere with people like that ... or where you get is not anywhere you want to be. In this case, you have someone arguing against Rust because a) his coworkers don't bother to free memory because their programs will finish soon and b) because he doesn't care whether toy programs that he writes for his home computer are subject to buffer overflow exploits.

And on top of that was missing the point of your analogies that, if not willful, was certainly convenient. To use another one: some people are like quicksand.

> > The city I live in now has many bike paths, completely separate from major roads.

> Which wasn't the point of that at all. It was to point out that you[r] assessment of how much time is wasted working around problems in each case is irrelevant given your vastly different experience levels.

That was almost my exact point, and it's odd you're repeating it back to me. I guess I could've laid it out more plainly.

> [Metaphors] Driving it into irrelevancy through focusing on minutiae is a useful rhetorical trick. [...] at the extreme end if done purposefully is not acting in good faith

Using a metaphor is a rhetorical trick. If you want to explain something to a non-technical audience, maybe analogies "get the hay down to the horses" so they can have at least a limited understanding. However, we both seem to understand programming languages so talking about roads obfuscates the discussion, leaving me to wonder whether there really is a parallel between the two topics. I know more about programming languages than I do about bike paths.

> Depending on the segfault? I could. It would take me a lot of work, because it's been nearly 15 years since I paid much attention to that, but I have done it before.

Even if I offer to run malicious data, it sounds to me like a low probability event - probably lower than my being in an airplane crash or shot by a cop. It's not something I should fear today. Over the last 25 years, I've had lots of segfaults, but I think I've done the most damage by accidentally overwriting files. I'm a little afraid of that.

> No, you don't optimize your life around them, but you might also support checking of identities on international flights to prevent access to your nation from known terrorists.

No, I definitely would not. It's very easy to get into this country, and an organized (dangerous) group would have no more difficulty than the drug dealers do smuggling cocaine. There is no benefit to harassing millions of citizens if you can't actually stop the problem.

> Here's the thing. It's not about you.

Are you suggesting the only people allowed to share their experiences in a thread like this are new programmers and the people pushing their language? I was new once, and I survived lots and lots of segfaults. Don't you think neophytes should hear that? They're definitely getting a large dose of doom and gloom about the bad old days.

> Some percentage of C and C++ programmers are neophytes. [...] I think that reducing this has such a large impact, that this is of vast benefit to society at large (given the botnets we are currently seeing), and would total billions of dollars.

In one of your other comments, you indicated you haven't tried Rust yet. You should - you sound interested. It definitely has its nice parts. However, I don't think you will find the safety features to be a big productivity gain, and you will have to use unsafe code to accomplish tasks from a freshman level computer science book. Think about that - you can't cleanly use the safe subset of Rust to teach computer science to beginners... (you could do it with a lot of compromises)

> Using a metaphor is a rhetorical trick.

Rhetorical tricks can be used to deepen the conversation, or to dismiss points out of hand. The first is useful to the discussion, the second is useful for winning, but at the detriment to the discussion.

> However, we both seem to understand programming languages so talking about roads obfuscates the discussion

I provided a example where it may provide value even if two people are experts in the area being discussed. Metaphors can help explain someone underlying reasoning and motivation in a way that is hard to express technically. People talk past each other enough in discussions by slightly misinterpreting what is trying to be expressed, that I find metaphors a valuable tool. I find many disagreements in text are rooted in people assuming a comment is countering a point of their or someone the agree with, and interpreting it in that light when often they are saying very close to the same thing. Thus I believe expressing a point in multiple ways, even if it's through metaphor, to have merit.

> Even if I offer to run malicious data, it sounds to me like a low probability event - probably lower than my being in an airplane crash or shot by a cop.

First, airplane crashes are extremely rare. Second, being shot by a cop is rare too, depending on your vocation and behavior. Third, remote code execution exploits are not rare, given the relatively small amount of public facing software compared to airplane flights an all police interactions.[1] Were you to author or contribute to any non-trivial size C or C++ project that was publicly available, I would put better than even money on there being an exploit findable in it. There's a vast difference in how much software is written to how much is public facing, but that doesn't mean things that were originally private don't sometimes make their way public years later, for example internal libraries that a company open sources or even just includes in another project that ends up being public facing.

> No, I definitely would not. It's very easy to get into this country, and an organized (dangerous) group would have no more difficulty than the drug dealers do smuggling cocaine. There is no benefit to harassing millions of citizens if you can't actually stop the problem.

So, again, because you can render a metaphor in more detail to make it irrelevant in context doesn't mean that's appropriate. So, in more generic terms, "do you support keeping known detrimental people out of a defined area to facilitate the usefulness of that area"? If can can do so, and it's not to cumbersome on those that are not detrimental, depending on the problems caused by the people in question, at some point it becomes worth it. There are parallels that can be drawn here, if you're willing to entertain the thought. It appears you aren't.

> Are you suggesting the only people allowed to share their experiences in a thread like this are new programmers and the people pushing their language?

No, I'm expressing that a single person't ability to avoid negative behavior has little bearing in an argument regarding community norms and herd behavior, which is what I'm getting at. Whether you are a perfect programmer and never make a single mistake in any language you use doesn't matter when discussing the merits of enforced safety in general as in this discussion regarding C and C++. What does matter is whether other programmers in general do, and what percentage of them, which you've also made a point of expressing. I think that is worth discussing, because I think we either disagree on the proportion of those programmers that can code with adequate safety, or some other facet of them that results in them yielding far more problematic code every year than you think they are producing.

> In one of your other comments, you indicated you haven't tried Rust yet.

I've tried it. I haven't done more than dabble though, while playing it futures-rs. I understand the borrow checker is cumbersome at my level of uncerstanding, and I fought with it. I don't think I have sufficient experience to make an assessment of the language personally based on my level of experience with it, and especially not with how it feels to write in comparison to C or C++, because I strive to avoid using those languages.

> However, I don't think you will find the safety features to be a big productivity gain, and you will have to use unsafe code to accomplish tasks from a freshman level computer science book.

I believe have the ability to define safe and unsafe portions of code is in itself laudable and useful. Allowing me to categorize possibly problematic portions of code is a benefit. In any case, I could essentially write the entire program in an unsafe block and have a C/C++ alike with a different syntax. I'm not sure how "unsafe" can be presented as a downside, when it's strictly a way to enforce separation of a feature that C and C++ don't have.

> Think about that - you can't cleanly use the safe subset of Rust to teach computer science to beginners... (you could do it a lot of compromises)

What, you can't use that explicit separation of what is known safe and known unsafe to point out computational problems and ways they can be solved? I find that hard to believe. Unless you think unsafe is Rust but "lesser, not really". It isn't. It's part of the language. It exists as a concession that sometimes things are needed that can't be proven safe by the compiler, but you may be able to prove to yourself it is.

1: https://www.exploit-db.com/remote/

You seem like a forthright person, but with or without metaphors, we're still talking past each other.

My point about remote exploits, airplane crashes, and cops is not about me. Yes, public facing software needs to be careful, but (fun metaphor) that's like saying prostitutes should use condoms. Web servers, browsers, firewalls, and the like are built specifically to communicate with untrusted entities. That's some of the most promiscuous software out there, and yes it gets exploited. But most people don't need to use condoms with their wives, and nobody is going to exploit software a newbie wrote and runs on his home computer. Safety should not be the fundamental criteria for a newbie programmer to choose a language and learn how to write fibonacci or hello world. When they're ready to write nginx, then they should be careful.

My point about the questionable productivity gain and safety was a reply to your estimate of the billions of dollars lost. If you're not more productive, and you aren't really safe, then you aren't going to save those billions.

> What, you can't use that explicit separation of what is known safe and known unsafe to point out computational problems and ways they can be solved? I find that hard to believe.

I didn't say anything like that. We're talking past each other.

> Unless you think unsafe is Rust but "lesser, not really". It isn't. It's part of the language.

(Metaphor time again) I've got a really safe bicycle. When the safety is on, children can't get hurt while riding it. If you care about the safety of the world's children, they should use my new safer bicycle. Oh, but you can't pedal it on paths I don't provide unless you disable the safety. Is my bike really that safe?

> 1: https://www.exploit-db.com/remote/

I have no idea how many people compiled and ran a program today. It's probably millions. Bayes's theorem might be a useful way to normalize that long list you linked. I don't see a single program from a home programmer on that list.

"I didn't say anything like that."

No one said that you said anything like that. Of course you didn't. But what you said necessarily implied that.

"We're talking past each other."

No, you willfully ignored and misrepresented all his points.

"Oh, but you can't pedal it on paths I don't provide unless you disable the safety."

That's a grossly dishonest misrepresentation the situation with Rust.

> Unless you think unsafe is Rust but "lesser, not really". ... It's part of the language ... sometimes things are needed that can't be proven safe by the compiler, but you may be able to prove to yourself it is.

This. Unsafe is to the borrow checker as 'Any' is to the typechecker.

Perhaps a better analogy would be the way that much of modern medicine is enabled by access to antibiotics. Without antibiotics, the risk of post-operation death by infection would be so high as to rule out many of the procedures that we now consider safe and routine.

I would prefer a surgeon who washed his hands over one who didn't but gave me antibiotics. I've had stitches a few times, but only one real surgery. I never got antibiotics for any of those. Maybe we could skip the analogies? I don't think they help the discussion.

They help in a discussion with someone intellectually honest.

> I think the safety aspect of Rust appeals to a lot of beginning programmers.

Is that a bad thing? All programmers start as beginners, and if C is too painful to begin with then they'll learn via an easier language, and then comfortably spend their whole careers using those easier languages. If we want to expand the field of systems programmers organically, then we need to make tools that don't punish beginning programmers.

> They can feel safer looking down their nose at us dangerous C or C++ programmers.

What makes you feel like anyone's looking down their noses at you? Every language in history has been made to address the perceived flaws of some prior language. Safety is a crucial selling point for a huge chunk of people, and C and C++ have failed to appeal to this market. Just because safety isn't a priority for you doesn't mean that the people for whom it is a priority are suddenly pretentious.

> > I think the safety aspect of Rust appeals to a lot of beginning programmers.

> Is that a bad thing?

The appeal to beginners is fine, maybe even a good thing, but the condescending comments from beginners is a lot like listening to a teenager who thinks they know everything.

> What makes you feel like anyone's looking down their noses at you?

There're are no shortage of obnoxious comments from beginning Rust users here and on Reddit. If you can't see them, it might be because you're aligned with that point of view.

A recent one implied the whole world is going to end because of Heartbleed-like exploits. Don't they realize that despite the occasional high profile exploits, the world is generally running just fine? Don't they realize that the OpenSSL developers would've probably used pools of dirty memory to avoid allocation costs and unsafe blocks to avoid bounds checking had they developed that code in Rust? They got bit by sloppy optimization, and Rust isn't immune to that. I really wish people weren't so afraid of everything that achieving safety is their primary goal.

> Just because safety isn't a priority for you doesn't mean that the people for whom it is a priority are suddenly pretentious.

It's not pretentious if you make your own decision for your own project. It's not even pretentious to spread the good word and say how much you like Rust. It is very pretentious and condescending when you say something like in Graydon's article: """When someone says they "don't have safety problems" in C++, I am astonished: a statement that must be made in ignorance, if not outright negligence."""

Are you going to stand by that sentence? You probably should, because the newbies will love you for it, and it might help increase adoption of your language. It really shouldn't matter if you alienate a few of us old-timers who really don't have safety problems in C++.

To be clear, I like Rust. I've been following it for years, and I'm disappointed that it's not an adequate replacement for C++ (which I really don't like).

"the condescending comments from beginners"

You like to make stuff up.

"If you can't see them, it might be because you're aligned with that point of view."

Or it might not. It might be that you're just being abusive and dishonest.

> There're are no shortage of obnoxious comments from beginning Rust users here and on Reddit. If you can't see them, it might be because you're aligned with that point of view.

Can you give me an example of a comment in this thread that you find to be from a pretentious beginner? Alternatively, if you're calling the author of this article a beginner, I can assure you that he isn't.

The guy's a troll.

> To be clear, I like Rust. I've been following it for years, and I'm disappointed that it's not an adequate replacement for C++

Just out of curiosity, what is it about Rust that means it's an inadequate replacement for C++?

There are many things you could dismiss as style issues, but here is one relating to performance. Rust does not (yet) have integer generics. If I use Eigen (the C++ library), I can declare a matrix of size 6x9 and have the allocation live (cheaply) on the stack. I do this kind of thing frequently (not always 6x9), and in Rust I would pay for heap allocated matrices. The cost in performance can be huge. Maybe this will get fixed in the near future.

Humans are prone to error (fine), therefore you are prone to error (condescension, not fine). Post-aristotelian logic?

I'm not completely serious, it's more complex that this.

"Is that a bad thing?"

Regardless, it's a complete mispresentation of Rust, which is all that zero has to offer.

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