Hi guys,
I'm writing you because I would really like to know what languages, libraries and technologies/tools are being used now days.
Why you say? Well, you see, I'm curious. I dont really like those "graph" showing which languages are popular, I want it directly from you!
Thanks ;)
PD: would be nice for comparison with my past question 4 years ago)
* Composer https://getcomposer.org/ * Zend :( * Codeception testing framework http://codeception.com/
- AngularJs 1.4.x
* composer asset plugin (to avoid bower) https://github.com/fxpio/composer-asset-plugin * Shrinkpack https://github.com/JamieMason/shrinkpack (to avoid npm issues) * AngularUI https://github.com/angular-ui (Router, Bootstrap) * Bootstrap 2 & 3 * Ckeditor 4.4 * Lodash https://lodash.com * Moment.js http://momentjs.com/ * Numeral.js http://numeraljs.com/
- Swagger http://swagger.io/ - Git LFS https://github.com/github/git-lfs - Algolia - Gulp :( - Ruby 2.3 * Rake https://ruby.github.io/rake/ * Guard https://github.com/guard/guard * Data Anonymization https://sunitparekh.github.io/data-anonymization/
- MySQL 5.7 (AWS RDS) - Chef 11 - AWS Opsworks - AWS CloudWatch (Logs, Metrics and Alarms) - Ubuntu 14.04
Look forward to : - Upgrade to PHP 7.1 - Upgrade to Chef 12 - Upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04