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Ask HN: What languages and technologies/tools are you using right now?
3 points by brutuscat on Dec 26, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Hi guys, I'm writing you because I would really like to know what languages, libraries and technologies/tools are being used now days.

Why you say? Well, you see, I'm curious. I dont really like those "graph" showing which languages are popular, I want it directly from you!

Thanks ;)

PD: would be nice for comparison with my past question 4 years ago)

- PHP 5.6.x

* Composer https://getcomposer.org/ * Zend :( * Codeception testing framework http://codeception.com/

- AngularJs 1.4.x

* composer asset plugin (to avoid bower) https://github.com/fxpio/composer-asset-plugin * Shrinkpack https://github.com/JamieMason/shrinkpack (to avoid npm issues) * AngularUI https://github.com/angular-ui (Router, Bootstrap) * Bootstrap 2 & 3 * Ckeditor 4.4 * Lodash https://lodash.com * Moment.js http://momentjs.com/ * Numeral.js http://numeraljs.com/

- Swagger http://swagger.io/ - Git LFS https://github.com/github/git-lfs - Algolia - Gulp :( - Ruby 2.3 * Rake https://ruby.github.io/rake/ * Guard https://github.com/guard/guard * Data Anonymization https://sunitparekh.github.io/data-anonymization/

- MySQL 5.7 (AWS RDS) - Chef 11 - AWS Opsworks - AWS CloudWatch (Logs, Metrics and Alarms) - Ubuntu 14.04

Look forward to : - Upgrade to PHP 7.1 - Upgrade to Chef 12 - Upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04

- WordPress

- Node.js


- Redis

- RabbitMQ

- React.js

- npm

- Browserify

Two really important pieces in my toolkit I made (and probably am the only person using them) are:

- cjs-noticeboard

A javascript pubsub implementation I use client and server-side.


- cjs-task

Take a task and easily chop it up into smaller distinct steps.


Been pretty bad at properly explaining why I use these tools i made myself. I'll put in more effort into doing that soon.

Question from four years ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4886390

- PHP 7 + WordPress + memcached + sometimes React + sometimes ElasticSearch. Once in a while Gearman for big tasks.

- node.js. One project testing out AWS Lambda.

- One project trying out React Native.

- AWS, Azure, WP Engine, Cloudflare, Ansible, and a bunch of other hosts and technologies I haven't had enough coffee to remember.

Sound interesting? We're always interested in talking to engineers: https://10up.com

- I use Browserify(1) because it allows me to use CommonJS(2) modules and bundle my JavaScript painlessly.

- Beyond the pretty standard debowerify(3) and hintify(4) transforms I use babelify(5) to help me sprinkle fancy ES6 features here and there.

- Node-based watchers and the npm client itself are all broken in many ways and very bad Unix citizens so I've stopped using npm for anything beyond actual package management and I will almost certainly replace the npm client with Yarn(6) very soon. The venerable make(7) or the much much younger but very dependable modd(8) are infinitely better than all that Node-based crap on _every_ front.

- I use tape(9) for tests (works like node-tap(10) with a little fewer dependencies) but I _love_ the look of ospec(11) even if it's not TAP(12)-compliant.

- Some JS libraries I've used recently: route-parser(13), pikaday(14), vidage(15), etc.

- I don't use any Sass/SCSS-specific tool or library.

- I use Vim(16) for editing text and either git itself (with with(17) when I remember I have it) or tig(18) for versioning source code.

[1] http://browserify.org/ [2] http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/CommonJS [3] https://github.com/eugeneware/debowerify [4] https://github.com/ansis/hintify [5] https://github.com/babel/babelify [6] https://yarnpkg.com/ [7] https://www.gnu.org/software/make/ [8] https://github.com/cortesi/modd [9] https://github.com/substack/tape [10] https://github.com/tapjs/node-tap [11] https://github.com/lhorie/mithril.js/tree/rewrite/ospec [12] https://testanything.org/ [13] https://github.com/rcs/route-parser [14] https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday [15] https://github.com/dvLden/Vidage [16] http://www.vim.org/ [17] https://github.com/mchav/with [18] https://jonas.github.io/tig/

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