- a military AI in the hands of bad actors that does bad stuff with it intentionally.
- a badly coded runaway AI that destroys earth.
These two failure modes are not mutually exclusive. When nukes were first developed, the physicists thought there is a small but plausible chance, around 1%, that detonating a nuke would ignite the air and blow up the whole world.
Let's imagine we live in a world where they're right. Let's suppose somebody comes around and says, "let's ignore the smelly and badly dressed and megalomanic physicists and their mumbo jumbo, the real problem is if a terrorist gets their hands on one of these and blows up a city."
Well, yes, that would be a problem. But the other thing is also a problem. And it would kill a lot more people.
- a military AI in the hands of bad actors that does bad stuff with it intentionally.
- a badly coded runaway AI that destroys earth.
These two failure modes are not mutually exclusive. When nukes were first developed, the physicists thought there is a small but plausible chance, around 1%, that detonating a nuke would ignite the air and blow up the whole world.
Let's imagine we live in a world where they're right. Let's suppose somebody comes around and says, "let's ignore the smelly and badly dressed and megalomanic physicists and their mumbo jumbo, the real problem is if a terrorist gets their hands on one of these and blows up a city."
Well, yes, that would be a problem. But the other thing is also a problem. And it would kill a lot more people.