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For the record, I've used rust for machine learning, and it was great. It isn't for "religious beliefs" - both myself, an engineer, and a data scientist on my team, had great results using rust.

Rust is entirely practical and well suited for the task. And yes, people use rust.

That sounds great.

What I am objecting here, are those annoying cool kids try to sell their flashy green solutions, like 'A new machine learning library written in Rust' to other people, because 'yeah, Rust is better programming language than C++'.

That is what I called 'religion belief', for those people who don't really care what problems they solved, they just naively assume they are better because of the language they are using is different.

Maybe they're not annoying cool kids but people doing work in a new domain and trying to share the benefits.

I don't think people are saying that their solutions are better just because they're in rust. Maybe somewhere someone is, but the majority of what I see doesn't really sound like that.

Thanks for opening up and being honest about this. If you let Rust into your heart, you will find that it can help machines learn wonderful, beautiful things. I will share my Book of Rust with you if you promise to read it. It opened my mind.

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