I'm one of the founding members of the FreeSWITCH Project, I've literally had people call my cellphone and demand I help them for free, because the software is free, it has free in its name and some how that translates into I must help them. This article is spot on, When you find the good contributors you help them, give them empowerment and you'll get rewards as a project, but every now and then you have that one person come along an just ruin your day over something that makes no sense at all. Bug reports that are incomplete, when you close them as incomplete they get reopened with NO additional details. Pasting logs into word docs and attaching them to the bug, uploading core files as if thats helpful.
I try my best to stay positive, I now think of those people as potential customers to help me make living. It does change your view of things. :)
I try my best to stay positive, I now think of those people as potential customers to help me make living. It does change your view of things. :)