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Are you insisting that Darfur and North Korea are representative of the world as a whole? Do you really have that little conception, child?

They are representative of the state of the world in that we still allow them to go on. If you think your hands are clean in any of that, then you are sorely mistaken.

> If you think your hands are clean in any of that, then you are sorely mistaken.

Oh yes, original sin. Wonderful. That makes sense. Can I buy some plenary indulgence from you, or is it a 'salvation by grace' thing now?

> They are representative of the state of the world in that we still allow them to go on.

The world once allowed the Black Plague and religions based on human sacrifice to 'go on', as you say. Darfur and North Korea are nothing compared to those.

Wow, you have some serious distortion glasses on there. When did I say anything about original sin? And as for 'allowing' the Black Plague and human sacrifice to go on, that's an entirely different timeframe when the world wasn't globalized in the way it is now. At that time, people were isolated enough that direct social effects across societies were hugely limited. This isn't true now -- everything that goes on in the US directly affects the quality of life for people around the world, and vice versa. Any other poorly thought out responses you want to throw this way?

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