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Show HN: Finally contributing back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (shrug.es)
21 points by dieselz on Dec 21, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

There is an excellent keyboard that serves the same purpose, available on android.


Truly life changing

This is awesome. If I could request a feature it would have to be adding the flip table

heh, my buddy said the same thing. I'm looking into expanding into other verticals. I think the flip table industry is ripe for copy/paste disruption.

Swipe right for more options? :D

rad, I needed a new homepage...

Edit: re-reading my comment, it does sound a bit sarcastic. I want to make it clear, I actually did set this to my homepage! :-)

feature request: rest api so i can skip the whole browser nonsense

POST http://api.shrug.es/shrugs

You'll receive a 201 (if the server isn't overloaded with requests) and a JSON response including metadata regarding a shrug, including correct pronunciation based on the geo-location of the requesting IP.

ok, not really, but if you are looking for a CLI solution: alias s='echo ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ | pbcopy'

Shrug as a service.

Well done sir, this is a great service.

Sorry, I'm confused; what exactly does this service provide? (serious)

It transmits emotion at the speed of light, anywhere in the world, on demand.

Good place to forward your 404 or unused domains.

A true exercise in Giving The People What They Want(TM).

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