This is an excellent article. I agree that memristors will change everything.
I'm a bit perplexed about the timeframe, though. I'd like to think 5 years, but my gut says it's more like 12-15 years before it's all different. And it will be very different.
I agree about the timeframe. I think the issue is not when the technology will be ready, but when the money will be ready to embrace the disruption. So the tech will be ready in 5 years, but the products and paradigms wont make their way into the wild (outside of academia) until 6 or 7 years after that.
Yes it's not a tech issue, the issue goes much deeper than that. It will mean a major change in architectures and languages, and that's going to require some killer applications to gain adoption. I imagine the tech will show up and languish -- while the rest of us try to figure out how to get our heads around it.
Even after adoption, there will be major friction from the corporate and governmental sectors -- lots of money has been invested in doing things the old way. Early adopter consumers in 12-15 years. Rest of the world? Perhaps a good bit longer.
I'm a bit perplexed about the timeframe, though. I'd like to think 5 years, but my gut says it's more like 12-15 years before it's all different. And it will be very different.