But fetch() returns a promise, rather than a handler you can use to cancel the request. So some people wanted to add "cancel" as a third potential state of a promise.
Which smells a bit like a hack to me. Why stop at cancel? The Fetch API shouldnt return a promise, maybe?
But im assuming a lot of people gave it a lot of though. Maybe it is common enough. Maybe it is horrible to implement in a performant way.
But so far the new ES features ive seen should have been critisized more not less. Look at the ugly mistakes that did make it:
f => { pizza }
Is the block on the right a statement block or an object literal? Its a statement block so if your lambda function returns an object literal than you need to wrap it in a statement block with a return statement. If it is anything else, than you dont.
Thats the horrible crap that actually gets through the proccess. Imagine how naive and broken the propositions must be that get killed?