Generative hip-hop beats, looks nice. As I see it, the sequencing isn't the hardest part in hip-hop beats, though: a lot of the magic is in the timbre. Sampling, mixing, etc. are often what captivates me the most. Imagine doing that algorithmically - foraging through a collection of samples, processing them, chopping them up and making beats out of it. A similar constraint-based approach might work well, though probably a lot more work.
Anyways, who are the authors? Nowhere to be found! Sure it's a class project but that's no excuse! And they should publish the BeatOven source, would love to play around with it.
> And they should publish the BeatOven source, would love to play around with it.
Seconded! Though I could see something like this being quite valuable if integrated into a DAW like Ableton Live. Maybe plugins that do something like this already exist...does anyone know?
Anyways, who are the authors? Nowhere to be found! Sure it's a class project but that's no excuse! And they should publish the BeatOven source, would love to play around with it.