If all of your employees are doing one thing, it's safe to assume you've told them to, even if your fingerprints aren't on the proverbial gun. Your comment is exactly what I'm accusing politifact of: you're being as uncharitable as possible to the claim, ignoring common sense and plain language in order to find a reading of it you can say is false.
Thing is, you're not pretending to be impartial and non-partisan. Nor am I. Politifact is. When Politifact's standard of objectivity is indistinguishable from that of a reasonably intelligent random commenter on the Internet, that's a problem.
> But Politifact labels it "mostly false" because it was never proven to have come directly from her.
These statements are mutually incompatible. There can't be a long history of documentation for something which is proven.
Start your own fact-checker. Your examples just affirm that Politifact is doing it's job correctly.