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Are you talking about the headline or the article? Because the article appeared to me to be rather nuanced and not at all strident.

More the article than the headline, actually. To me it's written in a kind of "broadcast" mode -- choppy sentences and paragraphs, overly abundant typographic emphasis, etc. Reminds me of people who try to win arguments by being loud -- not amenable to conversation.

I really don't mean to attribute these characteristics to the author, who I'm sure is a fine fellow; just that the article brought them to mind.

The article is written very calmly. Short sentences and small paragraphs are a writing style that says nothing of the author except a will to be readable.

Moreover, he uses classic rhetorical techniques, including concessions and common places, in a very reasonable way to show that he understands the other side of the coin.

You just don't like the content. Stop trying to pin the blame on the style, and admit it.

It also came off as an example of what the author was advocating. Don't be wishy-washy, don't skirt around things, say what you mean and back it up.

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