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You have already spoken in favor of jailing developers in one jurisdiction because they don't implement legal censorship you favor in your jurisdiction regardless of the laws in their jurisdiction where exactly does THAT road end?

You have proposed we make a secret book of illegal truths unknowable to the general public that we cannot even protest effectively without running afoul of the laws prohibition of their publication.

If you simply support delisting such inconvenient truths from google then your work is for naught as I will simply publish a list of such truths. If you support whitewashing the entire internet of them then you have proposed we impliment 1984 for the sake of helping bad people move on with their lives after learning better. Backed up by threats of violence and imprisonment from your nations thugs.

Rather than buying their peace of mind with my freedom I propose you spend your own nations money to support programs that will employ, educate, and provide therapy to help them move on.

I have done no such things, and in fact several of my comments in this HN discussion have said very much the opposite of what you described, as anyone who cares to read a few comments up can immediately verify. You're just making stuff up now, and as such I see no value in continuing this thread any further.

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