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To put it even more starkly, if Apple were to revise the API, then the middleware pushes an update, and all those hundreds or thousand of app developers simply recompile with the new OS target. All of their apps are now feature-compatible with Shiny New Feature X, rather than those hundreds or thousands of developers all having to replicate the same work. This is Frameworks 101.

The entire point of an abstraction layer is to isolate a developer away from the underlying systems, to let him write more business logic and less systems support code. All modern software development is built on the concept of frameworks, layers of abstraction, and the like. Even Objective C itself is an abstraction away from the ARM11 instruction set on the iPhone's CPU. Do developers writing Objective C produce inherently inferior apps to those writing ARM11 assembly?

Frameworks reduce the total number of man-hours required to produce and maintain software. I will argue that a good framework produces more high quality software than a bunch of developers all rolling apps on the metal, which then have a longer lifetime, due to the fact that fewer developer hours are required per app to maintain it moving forward. (Please note that I am not making any kind of judgment here about whether or not CS5 constitutes a "good framework".)

It takes some pretty serious denial to see Jobs' case against middleware, cross-compilers, and abstraction layers as anything but an attempt to lock developers solely into the Apple ecosystem. Frameworks reduce developer hours in more than one way - they reduce the number of hours required to put your app on multiple platforms. (To put it another way, this is why we have 3D engines like Unreal and Crytek; it's why we have 3D API layers like OpenGL and DirectX. You can write a game without them, but you'll spend thousands of hours solving problems that have already been solved for no appreciable benefit.) It's abundantly clear that there is no real technical justification for the clause; Apple is attempting to increase the amount of work that developers have to do to target multiple platforms, so that they'll simply give up and pick one: Apple's.

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