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I got really excited because I've been reading these on the caltech website, and from the title, without looking at the date, I thought this was suggesting that videos of the lectures had been made available (!!) but, alas.

The lectures are great though. Really engaging and creative, and they help you rethink some things you may have picked up in physics class.

There are lectures on Youtube, but I think Microsoft did a great job on cleaning them up and captioning them. You can find them here (link in the article does not point to the current location anymore):


Cool, they've updated that page so that it no longer requires Silverlight.

Those are not the 'Feynmann Lectures' that became the books, are they? (From the titles, they seem to be different, but the videos do not play on my browser).

Are there videos? I thought there was only audio.

Those are not the Feynman lectures. Are there videos of those?

AFAIK Caltech lectures that served as the basis for "The Feynman Lectures" don't exist in video, audio only.

The Cornell ones recorded by BBC and mentioned here exist in video form.

No. The Feynman Lectures were the lectures in his physics classes at Caltech in the 60s. The notes were adapted into the three volumes of the book.

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