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Bespin based IDE for processing (processing.org)
56 points by apgwoz on May 3, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Nice. The Palm Ares project (the web-based IDE for doing WebOS development) is also using Bespin.


It's actually a really cool project.

This is a good step for both Bespin and Processing: a practical implementation of Bespin, and an interface for Processing that's nicer than the current one.

It seems a bit unfinished though; I couldn't get any animations to work, and saving and such is clearly on the way, but hopefully it'll get there. There's a lot of potential here.

I couldn't get any animations to work

Make sure to remove noLoop() from the setup function.

Try this:

void setup()






  PFont fontA = loadFont("courier");

  textFont(fontA, 14);  

int x = 0;

void draw(){


  x = x+1;

  if (x > width) x=0;

  text("Hello HN!",x,20);

  text("Hello HN!",x-width,20);


It would be cool if the editor didn't lose focus when you press run. It would be even cooler if the code would be continuously loaded & run as you edit.

Theoretically, clj-processing combined with swank does this, but for me it just crashes X. I imagine this bug is not universal, and probably depends on the version of clojure I'm running.

Nice! Has anyone worked with embedding Bespin? How difficult is it to add to your own work?

It's really easy. Just download the embedded drop-in package from http://bespin.mozillalabs.com . They also have a build tool that lets you customize the plugins in your embedded build.

Apparently they had a major rewrite recently so many of the awesome old plugins (collaboration, timemachine etc) don't work properly anymore.

I played with it for a little and couldn't even get the commandline to work, but your mileage may vary.

Embedding just the editor is really easy though.

I was just working with it last night, it definitely has many missing features. I was most interested in modifying their color scheme to something more to my taste.

I am using it to make my own editor for dynamically modifying my own frontend/backend built using Node.js.

As well I'm working on a patch for SuperStylin(Which needs a CSSSyntax):


I know for sure that the following is broken:

1) No CSSSyntax

2) The theming system is broken and there is only one theme that is hard-coded (At least in the embedded version as far as I can tell), I got around this by just modifying the hard-coded values to my tastes.

If anyone has quick questions, just ask.

The Bespin API is still pre-release. Changes are usually improvements, but sometimes stuff breaks. Fortunately Mozilla is pretty good about documentation, so https://bespin.mozillalabs.com/docs/embedding/index.html should stay up-to-date.

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