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>> and so do I

So you believe in the concept of sovereignty. France's laws end at France's borders? Border should be strong, right?

>> No, Google wants borders to mean something, and so do I.

No, Google wants borders to mean something when it benefits them, such as in this case. They want borders to be meaningless when it benefits them, such as the ability to operate in almost every country in the world.

These sorts of skirmishes will only increase in the connected world being promoted by corporations. Some people, including myself, would rather that it wasn't done quite so hastily.

> They want borders to be meaningless when it benefits them, such as the ability to operate in almost every country in the world.

Huh? That makes no sense at all. Of course they want to operate everywhere because that's how they make the most money. That doesn't mean that they don't respect national borders.

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