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Facebook Delete Button (facebook.com)
50 points by chegra84 on May 3, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 26 comments

It's really nasty to put this as a top-level link in HN without explanation---this is not an article or announcement about the Delete Button, it is the delete button itself.

It's pretty hard to delete your account on accident it goes something like:

- click delete

- put password in

- fill out recaptcha

- confirm delete

- don't login for 14 days

It isn't like the link is malicious but considering relevant news items a large portion of people (on this site) want to delete their accounts it may be quite useful.

Is it really a large portion that wants to delete their accounts? The last time I visited that Ask HN thread the highest rated comments were from people saying "uh, no." Perhaps it's just a vocal minority within the greater vocal minority that is HN.

on purpose

by accident

I think it's my age that causes me to say on accident by instinct as everyone I ever grew up with has said on accident.

Callow youth: How dare you evolve our language!!

More seriously, do you make a semantic distinction between by accident and on accident where the latter signifies (some) intent, or do you use on accident exclusively.

Why do people want other people to delete their accounts along with them? Are they trying to save us or something?

Being on Facebook is only fun if other people are doing it with you. Turns out the same holds true for being off Facebook.

No surprise. We are sheep. Lemmings. Geese.

Reminds me of the ol' goth thing- being non-conformists in exactly the same way as everyone else (though the original quote was put in a better way)

Turns out it's not obvious how to delete your account.

Good to see that Hacker News has now become a place devoted almost entirely towards griping.

Yes, and we can never have too much sarcasm.

Ironically, I can't decide if I should up-mod you because I agree with your statement at face value, or if I should down-mod you because your sarcasm implies the inverse

The "Delete your Facebook" crowd remind me of bad televangelical ministers. Why are they trying to get other people to delete their accounts? We can save our own souls, thanks.

This submission strikes me as being incredibly condescending. Don't you think the typical HN reader can figure this out on their own?

Traditionally facebook's "delete button" holds on to all of your information for another 14 days and if you log back in that period your account is restored.

Sort of like "we dare you to go cold turkey" - I'd love to know what the re-login stats are.

Credit cards do the exact same thing. Sure they will deactivate it, but if you put a charge on it for 60 days it is reactivated. This was a pain for me because almost all my bills are automatic payments.

Ask for a new one and then cancel it. All those automatic payments will bounce off the first card and you won't have that problem anymore.

Doesn't reporting your card stolen (which is required to get a new number/card) adversely affect your credit scores?

Hasn't yet for me. Never heard of that, either. But I looked it up and that can happen when the bank makes a mistake and lists your new card as a new line of credit. So you could fix it through the dispute process, which is painful. Whether the new account is "adverse" or not depends on your individual report.

Apparently I can't view the delete button without being asked to create an account. :-)

But even without my having created an account they know who has asked me to friend them and use that as a hook to try to get me to sign up. That's just creepy.

Please stop doing that...!

If somebody wants to delete his fb account is his own business. It's really upsetting if this stupid trend evangelizing against fb keeps going on HN.

Does anyone know how many information gets shared with third parties if your fb account is just disabled and not deleted?

nice to know this exists, but I wouldn't use this any sooner than I'd delete my gmail account

I just wish facebook had some competition to keep them honest.

Is this a new feature?

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