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i don't have much in terms of 'accolades'. I'm a student who interned at another big name company. They actually said they would have interviewed me on campus if I hadn't done as well on their online tests and that only some small percent get to skip them. The process was as follows:

1. Amcat assessment. Essentially an online IQ and debugging test. Asked logical based questions that were similar to IQ.

2. Couple hour long "work simulation". Puts you in phony work situations and asks what you'd do. (Hurt your team vs hurt another team vs hurt customer). The work simulation ended with around 3 coding questions, one of which was difficult.

3. 20 minute chat with hiring manager over phone to discuss offer and answer any questions I had.

4. Rejecting their offer.

For the record, they monitored my browser, but nothing else.

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