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Yes, they make money from affiliate links, but they also provide accurate reviews, so why should you care? Do you honestly think it's only possible to write an accurate review if you're not being paid? It's not like they're being paid by the makers of the products, so there's no reason for them to be biased.

No I dont think it's impossible, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be skeptical. The Incentives to be dishonest are pretty obvious

Skeptical doesn't mean distrust though.

Is there any evidence to suggest Wirecutter has refused to rate an item due to lack of affiliate links?

> Is there any evidence to suggest Wirecutter has refused to rate an item due to lack of affiliate links?

If a product isn't on Amazon where affiliate links can point at it, then is it even mainstream enough for The Wirecutter's intended audience?

Yes, this. With programs like skimlinks providing affiliate links for pretty much every single retailer, I'm not even sure how they would review a product that they don't get a kickback from.

I guess I'm just generically distrustful of reviews in general. Companies can give bad reviews just like normal users give terrible reviews. I don't think I've ever seen a review system that you didn't have to take with a big grain of salt.

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