Then don't pretend you stand on any moral high ground if you cannot be bothered to endure the difference between espresso and drip to support a larger cause. Your original claim that you in some way support a boycott on Nestle is bullshit. You just coincidentally don't like their other products.
No, I just coincidentally have an option on their other products. Nobody else makes a decent instant espresso option. Even the alternative pods that you can get for the nespresso machine are garbage as I have tried many of them.
You have and option: drip. You choose to believe that option is not a sufficient substitute. And by all accounts, the difference between the two offers such a small change in personal utility that your participation in this boycott amounts to nothing. Your original claim to support the boycott is a straight up lie, and not even close to being true.
And that's fine. You can support Nestle. No one is making you act one way or the other. Just don't lie to yourself about where you stand on moral issues like this one.
Jesus, get off your high horse and then realize that if you think drip and espresso are interchangeable you just have no clue what you're talking about.