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I hate to bring up styling when it's been covered so much, but I think it is critical you make this mobile friendly.

There are a few big reasons for this:

- Since it's computer shopping, you'll probably have a fair amount of users accessing this site from a mobile device.

- Mobile users are more likely to leave your site if it looks even a little frustrating to use. Google offers several mobile friendly sites that recommend laptops.

- Google will not rank your site as high if it does not deem it to be mobile friendly.

- You said you are looking for a job as a Rails developer. It's a fair bet that any potential employer will expect mobile-compatible sites. Perhaps you don't really intend to do much front end work, but knowing more about it will benefit you regardless.

I understand that what your site offers is very special, and probably much better than hand picked recommendations. Many mobile users simply don't care. They don't want to zoom and pan to select options. Why should they stick around on your site, when they can just hit "back" and choose another result from google?

All that said, I really like what your site has going on. It seems quite functional, and the minimal design is a breath of fresh air.

There are two other things I would change, but these are just personal preference. Feel free to ignore them:

1. I would like the option to view more items per page.

2. The default, bright blue link color hurts my eyes. Something a little darker would be great.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for this suggestions. I know it doesn't look good on mobile, will try to fix it.

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