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"But since he does..."

This is a fatal assumption to make ;) I personally pay income taxes, do not have health insurance, and on the off times I require medical/dental care, I go to a private medical practice.

It is therefore immoral to force me to pay for a service I am choosing not to use :)

> It is therefore immoral to force me to pay for a service I am choosing not to use :)

Only if you define moral as "everyone for himself, weaker ones be damned" and sure that's your privilege to hope (and vote) for, but not a society I'd want to live in.

> everyone for himself

I think it's also relevant to point out a sort of butterfly effect.

For example, John doesn't ride the public bus, but Sally, the after-school-care provider, rides it to and from work each day. John, is a single father and can't afford a private daycare so he relies on the public school's after care provided by Sally. Sure, John could vote to abolish the bus system, and save a few dollars in taxes each year, but then he's cutting off his own nose to spite his face as he no longer can afford after care for his children.

I've heard that Westerners misunderstand the "socialism" of Nordic countries. More than one person has posited that the majority favors free and public healthcare and education systems because they are better for the individual; it ensures their family, regardless of personal circumstances, are taken care of and have the backing of an entire country. Not sure if this is true, but I hope it is.

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