""just to make sure people aren't cheating" is like justifying the police putting a camera in everyone's living room"
This is a completely false comparison.
You are taking a test remotely, they want to make sure you are not cheating, it's completely reasonable - during the duration of a test.
It's beyond unfair to suggest that this is in the same category of 'state authorities putting cameras in your house to arbitrarily spy on you' or putting a GPS collar on you.
I suggest it would help if in the terms that Amazon spelled out that they are not storing any data or what-not.
We live in a new world of tech, we have to think a little bit about what these things mean, and when we can apply tech reasonably and when we cannot, we can't just be knee-jerk about it.
This is a completely false comparison.
You are taking a test remotely, they want to make sure you are not cheating, it's completely reasonable - during the duration of a test.
It's beyond unfair to suggest that this is in the same category of 'state authorities putting cameras in your house to arbitrarily spy on you' or putting a GPS collar on you.
I suggest it would help if in the terms that Amazon spelled out that they are not storing any data or what-not.
We live in a new world of tech, we have to think a little bit about what these things mean, and when we can apply tech reasonably and when we cannot, we can't just be knee-jerk about it.