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Nope, these are actual guidelines Microsoft uses to make hiring, promotion, and compensation decisions. city41's comment is 100% accurate about how these things are used.

The entire list of 'competencies' is here: http://www.microsoft.com/education/competencies/allcompetenc...

It probably started as your typical big-company CYA in case someone tries to sue them for HR-related stuff and grew into this monster as some middle manager began empire-building.

There's even a wheel, in case you felt like making a poster: (pdf) http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/4/7/3477e49d-315d-4...

These linked ones are the education ones. They are completely different in content from the ones used in in the product team roles.

It's terrifying, but I agree. This has to be real... I want it to be a joke, because it'd be pretty frickin' funny if it were, but it can't be.

I was about to post the same discovery, but you beat me to it. Bah! And +1!

For some reason, humor and compassion are the only competencies that don't appear on the wheel. Also, does anyone else find it troubling that "results" make up such a thin sliver of the wheel o' competency?

> Nope, these are actual guidelines Microsoft uses to make hiring, promotion, and compensation decisions. city41's comment is 100% accurate about how these things are used.

So... it's edgy humor in the form of a terrifying practical joke? Maybe Andy Kaufman didn't die after all.

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