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There are strong network externalities both to Facebook and to Google services. The more people use them, the better they are, and so much more higher are the opportunity costs of switching to other websites. Pleas won't change the incentives involved.

That being said, I think tech journalism overstates the amount of control which either Google and Facebook can actually exert over their users.

Subtle mass persuasion through algorithm tweaking is easy to underestimate

> That being said, I think tech journalism overstates the amount of control which either Google and Facebook can actually exert over their users.

That's how they win, by being underestimated. Better to overestimate IMHO.

Call me a Cassandra, but I won't be surprised in the next POTUS is Zuck.

If Zuck shaves his head and becomes POTUS, then strap yourself in because we'll be getting WW3 and Superman won't be there to stop him!

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