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Really puts the idea of "fake news" in a new perspective.

All this talk of "fake news" recently has been scaring the crap out of me. I consume all types of "news" from the whole spectrum; left, right, center, lunatic fringe, everything. I've come to the conclusion that anything called "news" is roughly 80% bullshit, 15% ads, 5% truth. Sometimes you swap the bullshit to ads ratio.

I agree 100%. I mostly lean left on most issues but I am growing more and more unconformable with the tactics and the attitudes of lots of liberals.

This election really bugged me. A lot of people are complaining about right-wing news right now, but the left was spouting off some terrible stuff and presenting complex issues as clearly one-sided.

It is not 80% bullshit. It's 80% press releases.

I.e. bullshit. Press releases are not written to be honest.

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