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How Gilt Grew Sales from $25 million to $170 million in 2 years (primitus.com)
8 points by tiffanychan on April 28, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

"In three years, he says, you won’t think about Walmart, Target and Amazon when you think about ecommerce. You’ll think about this whole new wave of companies doing flash marketing."

Three years is a very short time to see such a change. I'm skeptical.

Still, Gilt is doing impressive things. I interviewed there a year or so ago and had it worked out I would have taken the job without hesitation. Seemed like they had interesting technical requirements ranging from scaling/performance down to supply chain integration. The financial reward upside seemed pretty huge, too, considering their revenue growth rate and IPO possibility.

> there’s no store in the world that could change its entire inventory in a night. We do that every night. Customers know they’ll see something new tomorrow.

I've seen stores that needed to discontinue items they used to carry, but I've always thought of that as a problem that ecommerce helped solve. Apparently some people find it exciting rather than frustrating, a good bit of marketing psychology to remember.

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