> The truth is that higher-ed is getting about the same percent GDP it's been getting since the 70's
Isn't it true that many more students attend college than was the case in the 1970's? For example, between 2003 and 2013 enrollment increased 20%[1]. US population only increased about 10%.
> inflicted to fund an ever growing amount of staff and their gold plated benefits
Do you have any data to back this up? This has not been my experience in California's State University system. The benefits are ok, comparable to industry, but the pay is awful.
Isn't it true that many more students attend college than was the case in the 1970's? For example, between 2003 and 2013 enrollment increased 20%[1]. US population only increased about 10%.
> inflicted to fund an ever growing amount of staff and their gold plated benefits
Do you have any data to back this up? This has not been my experience in California's State University system. The benefits are ok, comparable to industry, but the pay is awful.
1. http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=98