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At this point it is still "worth it" though. Might be in huge debt but you can get a job that you can afford that debt though. Now I personally don't think this is a good environment for a healthy economy, but for many it is still "worth it". It'll crash when it isn't, and I think we're getting close to that.

The problem is it is artificial. It has been manipulated.

It produces an army of people who have to work every day of their lives, which produces tax revenue and a big, growing economy.

Going to college might be a better choice for an individual than not going to college, but the system has been intentionally set up this way to turn the masses into indentured servants. (Originally, it might have been unexpected that student loans would create this bubble ... but now, it's not a surprise, it's a valuable exploitation mechanism).

It's not the optimal approach for our society ... it only serves to help the Haves gain more control over the Have-nots.

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