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Matthias Wandel makes facinating youtube videos, look through his youtube channel. He's made loads of his own woodworking machines, marble machines, mouse traps, lots of tests on woodworking methods like joints and dust in the air, etc etc. He's an ex-RIM engineer with a family history of woodworking, his high intelligence and skill for making things make amazing videos, been following him for years.


I really enjoy watching his videos, not because I have any desire to start woodworking, but because I really appreciate his approach to problem solving.

He's also the author of the gear template generator program, which is, in itself, quite cool: http://woodgears.ca/gear/index.html

I discovered it when I watched the video about the making of the Wintergatan marble machine.

In addition to being cool tool in itself, the evaluation copy wobbly mode made a fun little reverse engineering challenge :)

Of course I advise you to buy it if you use it for more than RE exercise.

For any channel visitors: be sure to check out the glorious pantorouter.

That thing is amazing!

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