From how I understanding "Russian state philosophy" (if there's such a thing) I'd even intuitively assume they're not necessarily primarily interested in gathering everything-about-everyone but in ensuring no other party (especially private western/multinational corps) gain potentially such an information advantage over them. We've arrived in an age when non-sovereign entities can gain leverage over sovereign entities and thus become "geopolitical players", to be "reckoned with".
That's my understanding of it, also. Just the other day I was discussing with a work colleague about what would have happened had FB not been blocked in China almost from the very beginning. Imagine all the Chinese' people data sitting on a server a couple of keystrokes away from entities like the NSA. Our example, made half-jokingly, was something along the lines of: "Imagine how much information you can gain just by tracking the GPS positions of the personal secretaries attached to important Chinese Communist Party power figures".