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Sand's End (theverge.com)
14 points by fisherjeff on Nov 17, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Was on a vacation in North Carolina on Ocean Isle Beach. It has been suffering from erosion for years. The North end a very strange place. During high tide people who still haven't left their homes can fish from the porch. The beach further north has chunks of asphalt from where a road used to be.

Some people were paying contractors to pump sand to fill bags and stack them up to potentially save their vacation home for a few more years. Most were vacation homes, so most people wouldn't be left homeless when the water gets to their property, but we did meet and older local woman who lived there permanently. I didn't dare ask what she's planning to do, but I imagine she hoped she would go before the ocean gets her house.

Here is WSJ article from 2008: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB122119023684026931

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