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So much for the 'clever marketing ploy' theory.

No such thing as bad publicity. Imagine gizmodo's ad revenues for today!

No doubt. But I think dschobel meant the theory that Apple planted this phone to be found.

I wouldn't put it past Steve Jobs' Apple.

Imagine them being included in calculations of penal fines, while you're at it. If a conviction ensues the value of Gawker's increased traffic and ad revenue will surely be scrutinized to determine the extent of their economic benefit.

If I benefit from covering this, will I have to give the money back? What about the New York Times? What about Apple?

No, because you are commenting on something that was already public knowledge. There's nothing to suggest that the innards of the phone were discoverable by the public until Gizmodo threw up ~20 pictures of them.

But the ad views are due to being served with a search warrant, which is public information (or at least something they are allowed to disclose).

And thus, making money out of a legal problem they created for their own employee.

So we can add fraud to the potential charges, which requires a material misrepresentation of fact (his potential personal criminal liability), made with scienter (a reckless disregard for the truth), justifiably relied upon (by an employee listening to the company's self-identified legal representative, Gaby Derbyshire, who is not qualified to practice law in the US), and which has resulted in an injury (the confiscation of all his electronic stuff).

If I ever end up in court I want you there too. On the other side.

If I ever end up in court I want you there too. On the other side.

Hah, deal. If you run for District Attorney, I will vote for you.

They pre-sell their ad space.

Ah, didn't know that. But they can factor this traffic into their average and get more money in the next set of contracts.

True (and upmodded) but they had more space (impressions) today and hence sold the extra space.

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