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Is this the new meme now? Things we don't agree with are "more of the same thing that got Trump elected"?

What fake news do is reinoforce what people already believe to be true

Sure. And it also reinforces things people don't yet know (because it's fake) but which fits into one's preexisting worldview. It's a multiplicative factor. An amplification.

The claim by the article is actually very measured -- that fake news is a part of the whole picture. Do you really disagree with that?

I disagree that it's enough to explain the election result even remotely or that it's something the facebook should do something about right now.

Fake news are easy to debunk and the same lie which takes advantage of network spread can also be debunked by the same measures.

Again if people really want to believe in something no amount of rebuttals are going to change that.

What's far more concerning is the kind of exaggerations that the traditional media use to blow everything out of proportion.

We all live in filter bubbles some in very tightly controlled bubbles others in more open bubbles but they are all bubbles.

I have yet to see any proof that fake news are effecting how people vote on any serious scale. Maybe some people here and there. But to claim that it's a problem for the election is simply another attempt at trying find a reason other than the obvious one, that many people who voted for Trump did so because they live in another bubble than those who votes for Hillary. That they have different perspectives and different problems, different dreams and fears.

Thats the reason we votes different and fake news aren't going to change the overall world view we have there.

Oops, didn't read the other comments. Apparently it's already established you didn't even read the article.

ehh yes I did read it and no it's not established.

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