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Ask HN: How to get better at reading
3 points by niix on Nov 13, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I suppose I have a short attention span, but have always been envious of those who can dive deep into almost any book. For me to really sink into something I have to find myself extremely interested in the context of the book, otherwise I lose interest quickly. I often catch myself thinking about something else while reading and then realizing that I've read two pages and haven't absorbed anything.

Any tips on becoming a better reader?

For me, mainly through time.

I've always read. I took a class where Descartes Meditations was assigned. I looked up and it had been an hour and I'd read three pages. A couple of years spent reading philosophy later, and I could read three academic articles in an evening.

In the late 80's I read Eco's Name of the Rose. Two years ago, I reread it. It was a different book.

The same is true for technical books, articles, papers. As I read more of them, I understand more of some of them. And now that I know that, I don't worry deeply about what I don't understand most of the time. It's only when deep knowledge is relevant to something I'm actually doing that I drill down. It's the 'T-shaped' idea. Reading for breadth makes it more likely that I drill down in a productive well.

As for glazing over, I'll do that frequently with equations...happened last night on two pages worth. I went back and looked again and got about all I cared to get.

tl;dr Just keep reading.

If you discover early on that you're not going to get much out of it, don't feel too bad for bailing out. Having a book doesn't mean you are forced at all costs to finish it.

Start with reading fiction. That should be easy. Move on to history - it should be harder language, but still attention grabbing. Once you are comfortable with that, start moving towards reading textbooks. One thing I do is always read a fiction in between two textbooks - it keeps your motivation up.

(i've read 46 books this year so far, most of which were non-fiction)

read with enthusiasm.

emphasizing key words in the passages will make the narrative more entertaining and easier to comprehend

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