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While your comment sounds like it makes sense at face value, I find it naive and simplistic. I think the logical outcome of a policy like that is that you end up worse off.

We all unwittingly break many laws day. Living in the US is inherently illegal, even if you happen to be a citizen. My point is that there isn't some binary division between people that break the law and those that don't.

If businesses need to be immigration police, they'll just hire illegal immigrants under the table (moreso), and be more exploitive about it.

If people are afraid to talk to the police, they won't. This breeds gangs & protection rackets, which presumably you don't want, because they increase crime.

As these problems will become worse and worse, the more we will try to crack down on illegal immigration, intensifying said problems. The tragic irony is that the solution is the cause of the problem and it is part of a nasty feedback loop.

> Living in the US is inherently illegal, even if you happen to be a citizen

I am guessing you are implying that the White Europeans "stole" America from the Native Americans. By that notion, you can keep going a few 100 years back in history and you'll eventually end up with "Living in the ___ is inherently illegal, even if you happen to be a citizen" for every place in this earth except that place in Africa where the human is supposed to have evolved and migrated.

I don't think that is what he's saying, he's just referring to the number of laws you routinely break potentially without even realizing.

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So there's NO FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE between a serial killer and someone who jaywalked once in their lifetime?

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