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Ask HN: Which is your favorite source of non Tech news?
10 points by nclx on Nov 10, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments
I'm striving to find a news outlet that has an RSS feed that: - it's not filled with irrelevant news, such as this: https://www.rt.com/usa/366138-harambe-vote-president-us/ - has global view, not just us or a specific country - ideally publishes 10/15 news per day, no more

I'm currently ad Economist paid subscriber, but that's a weekly update.


Can't beat The Guardian for solid international and free coverage of important issues.


Al Jazeera English can be quite good (though be wary of some of it's Qatar biases), it tends to be excellent on Africa and Asia.


We also have an open API ;)


Dam thanks for pointing this out, i never realised this! We might look to build it into our open source security app for journos and NGOs.

Thanks! I'll try guardian. Al Jazeera very biased.

The Guardian is also very biased. They're still useful media outlets.

> https://www.rt.com/usa/366138-harambe-vote-president-us/

JFYI, Russia Today is a heavy propaganda TV network, sponsored by Russian government.

True. However, it gave a much better view of the election. Wikileaks emails show NYT, CNN, huffpo, The Economist, ect all tailoring coverage for HRC/the democratic party. Knowing this publication is Russian makes it easier to spot bias, than the supposedly more objective outlets. Even polljng data was heavily inacurate.

RT may not be great, but I will never trust the above sources again. I was so disappointed in the coverage of Comey and their united front of pro Hillary bullshit. She rigged the RNC with pied piper bullshit and used leverage in DNC to oust Bernie. All major news outlets were complicit. Except Fox, which is equally shit

For me I try to read state sponsored/official news of several nations in publications like:

- rt

- bbc

- ny times

- xinhuanet

This gives each countries official position and the delta between them is usually useful info.

I also use twitter for curated feeds, which can be useful.

The guardian and intercept are also pretty good. I no longer trust the economist. While obviously biased, I do like ZeroHedge

Jason Calacanis publishes a series of email newsletters that cover US news, tech and dozens of verticals like electric cars.


You could ask them to support RSS, I've found them to be surprising responsive.

I'm not a huge fan of newsletters. Mail is for work. Feedly for news. I wanna keep the 2 things separate.

Reuters! Light on unblockable ads, reasonably neutral coverage and very broad coverage. It's my go to.

I pay for the Financial Times, I blame reading Chomsky in college for that. Solid international coverage. Only subscription I have.

Guardian is nauseating at times, but I read it. NYT is a silly paywall. I deemed its flowery essays not worth paying for.

Not sure it meets your criteria, but I read IrinNews, which focuses on humanitarian emergency stuff: http://www.irinnews.org/

Interesting but no thanks. It is a very important thing, but not the only important things happening in the world today.

Twitter and 4chan.

Take both with a huge grain of salt, but nothing else has the same "crowdsourced" coverage of breaking news.

Which accounts on Twitter, though?

None. Seriously, try a low-information diet and see how materially affected your life is.

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