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Sure, they are violating the law, but I and many others would say that it's an unjust and harmful law.

Laws exist to serve people, not the other way around.

Regardless of whether it is just or not, it is still the law. If it is harmful, then it should be changed.

Illegal immigrants often do not enjoy all the rights and privileges citizens of the United States do. Many underpaid, overworked, and denied benefits.

If we need more people in this country, we need to make it easy for them to come, and we need to treat them right when they arrive.

Yep. The law should be changed so legal immigration is much easier.

I think taking advantage of social services without paying for them is pretty clearly unjust

And I don't think open borders are a good idea for america in its current state.

This is a total straw man. Illegal immigrants pay their taxes. The IRS doesn't care about their immigration status, but they do care about getting paid.

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