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Heck, this is my #1 complaint of almost anything on a mobile browser. It's easily the worst offender when it comes to mobile in general; I wish browser vendors put a bigger focus on fixing this, somehow.

Didn't this start on the desktop and now because companies think it was successful on desktops, they need to extend it to mobile since they think everyone has 4G service?

I remember when your mobile experience was supposed to be a stripped down faster version of your desktop version. Now, they're both insanely hard to navigate and use.

So much for we dev progression, huh?

I used to get the mobile versions of pages on the desktop. Not because I was on a slow connection, just because the text is the meat for most things on the Internet. Now there's less of a point in doing that.

Google is fixing it, but it's punishing them in search, not Chrome.


Google also has tech to show these banners but only if you've visited the same site a few times already, and then not every time. (This link talks about web app installs first, then native app installs later)


"The user has visited your site twice over two separate days during the course of two weeks."

Which will lead to the same hack as paywalled news sites, the ads won't load when referred from google meanwhile the rest will suffer.

So users reaching a site through google have a better experience than users accessing it through some other method? This seems like a pretty good thing from Google's perspective...

Absolutely, and further extends their embrace over the web.

I suspect google are probably wary about moves that push themselves much further right now, the last thing they want to do is look like a monopoly.

Sounds like a good reason to build a plugin to always sets the http referrer header to google.com on certain news sites.

Is there any good reason for having the "Referer:" tag at all?

Google itself displays an anoying translate this page popup that obscures content, especially when you are browsing in incognito mode.

Browser vendors against adclicks, mice against cheese, bees against honey, what you gonna do now?

Mice aren't really interested in cheese.

Exactly. They're masters of subtlety, manipulating our species to evolve in just the right way, learn just the right things. We don't experiment on them so much as they experiment on us.

Masters of subtlety...

Mice likes cheese, but only if cheese is good. Most of current cheeses are made from fresh milk, which is not fermented enough to be edible.

Please, describe how this "mouse" consumes anything other than "cheese" for sustenance.

What a great example of really bad webfont. That page almost broke my eyes, when saving island of bold fb comments came to the rescue. People lost in thin-line madness.

I guess my link was more relevant than I thought!

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