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A lot of people's HN accounts, at least for the people who post a lot, are not anonymous. Alternatively if you post a lot it is possible to reconstruct who you are. If comments were being down voted you wouldn't see them at the top of threads - people use throw aways for anonymity not to prevent loss of points.

A lot of people's HN accounts, at least for the people who post a lot, are not anonymous.

So they choose not to take advantage of a feature. Doesn't mean one-time throwaways are a good thing.

If comments were being down voted you wouldn't see them at the top of threads.

This is irrelevant. It's about what kind of votes they expect to receive.

people use throw aways for anonymity not to prevent loss of points

I call complete BS on that. The most common reason given for posting with a throwaway (when a reason is given) is, "using a throwaway because I know I'll get downvoted for this".

Alternatively if you post a lot it is possible to reconstruct who you are.

Your only good point. Throwaways are the worst solution (of many) for this. Look at 4chan. Do we want to be 4chan?

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