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Ask HN: How do you manage continuous deployment without containers?
1 point by knite on Nov 1, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
There are lots of tools for CD in a container world, like Kubernetes and ECS. But many (most?) companies aren't using containers.

Which tools and best practices are you using to manage your deployments in a non-container world, when you have dozens of long-lived servers behind a load balancer?

DC/OS [1] supports services (long-running tasks) and jobs (one-offs or scheduled) which don't necessarily have to be container images. See also [2] for a small write-up on this topic.

[1] https://dcos.io/ [2] https://medium.com/none-size-fits-it-all/u-cant-touch-this-9...

Atlassian Bamboo


Kubernetes is such an overkill for most companies. Unless you're deploying to dozens of servers of non-homogenous projects/services, you probably don't need it.

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