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This attitude is precisely why so many software projects nowadays are memory hogs. Not everyone has an i7-powered Macbook with 8+ GB of RAM.

It took my 2 minutes to find a laptop under $500 with 8GB of RAM. My 2011 asus laptop has 8GB RAM. I'm not going to build software with my 2005 Inspiron in mind. Don't expect people to cater to 10 year old machines.

Not everyone has $500 of disposable income, either. Not to mention that very few phones and netbooks (like Chromebooks) have more than 4GB of RAM (in fact, I'm not aware of any in either category except for the Chromebook Pixel line). Lots of people in the real world are stuck with hardware with 2GB of RAM (or less!).

I develop with those users in mind. I don't expect the average HN-reading programmer to do the same (I've long given up on that), but that doesn't mean it ain't a problem.

> I develop with those users in mind

I also develop with users in mind, which is why I don't care how large my development environment is as long as it brings benefit to them. My original comment was a response to a person who rhetorically asked how big the node_modules folder was after installing a list of dev tools. I don't install my IDE on your phone/netbook, nor do I install my JS dev tools. Who cares how much disk space it eats up on my developer computer? I couldn't fill my disk space unless I spent a week downloading porn. My laptop cost comment was one about developer contributions, based on the belief that we were still talking about dev tools. I won't design my dev environment so that a developer with a 10 year old computer can work with me. Everything in here has been about developer workflow. The user isn't impacted by any of it. In fact, all it does is improve their experience. For an example, I have a hobby app I'm working on in node/angular2, which is an image editing platform.

  $ du -sh my_app/
  483MB my_app/
  $ cd my_app && npm run build
  $ du -sh my_app.tar.gz
  3.7MB my_app.tar.gz
It unzips to 24MB, 20MB of which are the few node modules that don't play nice with my build system. Spinning it up, it takes ups 62 MB of RAM. I'd hardly consider that earth shattering to a user (the user doesn't download it anyway, it's an api deployed on a server). When I run it in dev mode, it takes up 400MB of RAM. I don't care, because that's what this computer exists for.

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